• Summer Camp 2008
    Summer Camp 2008
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  • Families Event - Summer Party 2014
  • Families Day out - Blair Drummond
    Families Day out - Blair Drummond
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Be curious, not judgemental

What is the Scottish Burned Children’s Club [SBCC]?

Launched in 2001, the SBCC provides a network of support to burn survivor children [under the age of 18] and their families dealing with the lifelong scars of burn and scald injuries.

We provide positive support to burn-injured children and help them realise that, although their body image has been altered, their hopes and dreams are just as achievable as any other child’s.

What are our aims?

The main aims of the charity are twofold, firstly to help in the rehabilitation process of these children and to provide support to their family.

Secondly, to play a key role in the reduction of such injuries by raising awareness of the problem and promoting safe practice in relation to the dangers associated with burns and scalds.

Why have a burns club?

Burn and scald accidents are one of the most horrific and painful injuries that can occur to anyone, not only do they produce physical trauma but also result in psychological trauma. When a child is injured the whole family is affected. Unlike any other injury, burns and scalds leave a lifelong scar, which no matter how small or big act as a reminder to the family as well as the child of the trauma they have been through.

The child must also grow up knowing their body image is different, knocking their confidence at a time when normal processes of growing up are stressful enough. Positive support is required to help the burn survivors realise that although body image has been altered their hopes and dreams are still the same as any other child and just as achievable. With continued support, positive encouragement and the courage and determination that has helped them so far we hope to see each child realise their dreams and goals. 

The club is open to children under the age of eighteen. If your child or you know of a child that would benefit from what our charity has to offer, please:   Telephone: 07486 515999 or Email:enquiries@theburnsclub.org.uk  for more information.

How does the charity assist burned children?

The Scottish Burned Children’s club organises a series of day trips, special events and visits to various organisations throughout the year for the children and their families. The highlight of our social calendar is a week long ‘rehabilitation’ camp, for the 8 to 18-year-old children.  It is a fantastic opportunity for the youngsters to meet up with each other to talk, share experiences and to make friends with others in a similar situation, but above all to have fun.

How is the club funded?

All of this takes commitment and money in order that as many children as possible are given the opportunity to take part. The Scottish Burned Children’s Club is solely funded by fundraising events, sponsorship and donations and is run and organised by a group of ‘unpaid’ volunteers. Our team is passionate, committed and dedicated to supporting the children and their families, however, we are continuously looking for help and support.

Want to join the club?

If you would like to join the club, follow the link or scan the QR code to fill out the Referral Form and we will be in contact with you as soon as possible. The form can be completed online.

If you have any questions or would like to help us in any way then please call 07486 515999 or emailenquiries@theburnsclub.org.uk as we would love to hear from you.