Give your Support

We provide positive support to burn-injured children and help them realise that, although their body image has been altered, their hopes and dreams are just as achievable as any other child’s.

The SBCC is a wholly voluntary organisation, we receive no central funding and is solely reliant on the generosity of donations, sponsorship and fundraising events.

As a totally voluntary organisation none of the money we receive goes on wages as everyone associated with the club are volunteers.

On average it costs £11,000 to hold the annual week long activity summer camp for the children, £5,000 for a family weekend and £1,500 for each of the Family Day Events,  therefore all funds received, large or small, are so gratefully appreciated. 

Some suggestions:

Giving a gift-in-kind is an easy way for you or your company to help us to reduce costs and spend more money on children. We are always particularly grateful for donations of products and services which can be used as prizes for raffles and auctions at our fundraising events.

Did you know that if you donate £10 a month to the Scottish Burned Children’s Club from your pay, your gift will only cost you £7.80? Inland Revenue gives us the extra £2.20 (at the basic rate of taxation). Payroll giving is the easiest, most tax efficient way for your employees to give money to the SBCC. If your company doesn’t have a payroll giving scheme, you can set one up through a government approved agency, like the Charities Aid Foundation.

As an individual there are many ways you can help us, you may wish to make a  donation or perhaps you can take on a Fundraising idea such as a sky dive or marathon or simply arrange a ‘dress down day’ at your work? or simply by shopping online via Easy fundraising.  Some people choose to leave a gift in their will.

The SBCC is also registered with Virgin Money Giving   you can set up your own page and be able to receive online donations.      

Please note: The SBCC is not registered on the Just Giving fundraising site.

If you are arranging an event and wish to support the charity, then you need to register with us, we will then send you one of our fundraising/ sponsorship information packs.