Who we are

The Scottish Burned Children’s Club is a charitable unincorporated association, the purpose and administration arrangements are set out in our constitution. We were recognised as a registered charity and officially launched on the 30th November 2001 at Edinburgh Castle.

Charity Constitution – The constitution is currently being reviewed/ revised, if you have any questions please email: enquiries@theburnsclub.org.uk

Executive Committee & Members – The Executive Committee are elected/ appointed by the members at our Annual General Meeting, held annually in January. The Executive Committee oversee our strategic direction and monitors how we deliver our objectives. The diverse members of the charity combine their experiences and expertise to achieve the charity’s objectives.

Guidance for Charity Trustees

Organisational Structure 

The charity is a Scottish Registered Charity: SC032376

Registered address: PO Box 4116, Glasgow G53 9AX

Contact Telephone number : 07486 515999 

Contact Email: enquiries@theburnsclub.org.uk.